Sunday, August 2, 2009

Last Day Of Champs

Hiya peoples! Congrats to everyone who swam this weekend! Here are my results from Saturday and Sunday. I am sending thanks out to my sweet Aunt who came to watch me on Sunday! :D


100 Free..........1:05.80 4th Place

100 Back..........1:14:69 2nd Place

50 Fly..........30:94 2nd Place


50 Free..........28:81 2nd Place

50 Back..........32:70 2nd Place

200 Back..........2:42:11 2nd Place

I swam the 200 back for the first time today and I got the team record and an AAA cut, though it isn't offered for 11~12 at Zones. I was very happy with my swims, I had a best time in everything but the 100 free, I was also .02 off a sectional cut in the 50 free. Oh well! I love this pool and I normally get best times in it... it rocks! Sadly, we had no relays. People for an 11-12 girls' relay just didn't show up ...and I can't swim on the guys' relays! :D

Only Zones left, then Long Course is over!


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