Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey everyone! Zones is over! YES! It was really fun. The team drove together all the way there, which was about 5 hours. We stopped at Olive Garden on the way there, it was over run by swimmers! We did almost everything as a team, which was fun. We all had roommates, here is a picture of me and my roomy~

4 people from USC went to Zones: Iman, Scottie, Kingsley, and me. I thought that was cool, I was really happy I would know some people. But I already knew a lot of the people! It was cool because most of the girls there I knew because I swim against them at meets, and have met them at Quads.

I swam the 50, 100, and 400 free, 50 and 100 back, 50 fly, 400 medley relay, 200 free relay, 200 medley relay, and 400 free relay. It was a long, and hot weekend, but I had a lot of fun! It was weird to be at a meet with a different coach, but they were all cool. What was really cool is that the people who were on my team were people normally I would be competing against.

When we came in, everyone had a sign on their door with their name on it! I loved that, it was really cool.

So that's all, bye!

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