AAA Cut Bag Tag~ Well, my mom got that one for me at quads, but after realizing that the cut we were looking at was dated... we had to put it away. Later on when I got my first AAA cut in the 100 back, I got to put it on my bag. :D ALSO, it psychs out kids, lol.
Whale Zipper Pull~ I got this one from my parents at Christmas.
Gold Medalist Panda Zipper Pull~ I got him at the start of short course season. I just wanted to keep him 'cause he is so beat up, that stands for all of the days and weeks and months of practice.
Nut/Bolt Thingy and String~ At our 3rdish practice of long course, Matt had us do this really kinda cool drill. You hold the string with nut/bolt thingy attached to the bottom, and try to will it with all your might to go in clockwise and then counter clockwise circles. With trying desperately hard NOT to move your hands. It did! The drill was to make you think "Everything is a mind set." and "You can do anything you think you can do." Like the 'little train who thought he could' but like 'the swimmer who knew he could' that sort of thing. He said that because we wanted it to move so badly, our brain sent these, like, signals... to our fingers which made it move the way we wanted it to even though we were trying not to move.
There on forth he was always on us about the right mind set and good attitudes and coming into practice ready to swim hard. I think that he is right though... it is always better to swim with someone in a good attitude than someone who is acting like a complete butt and is just sucking it up. Yup.
Ohio-Lake Erie Quad Team 2009 Bag Tag~ from my trip to Quads, duh! If you haven't seen the Quads post you should check it out.
Cute Stuffed Turtle Zipper Pull~ HE IS SO STINKING CUTE! That is my one and only reason.
I think that's all, check back soon for news about the Solon meet. Bye!!
:] :} : :\ :l :L :V :B :U :T :O :P :) :( :o :I :D
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