Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Fish!

Hi! Today I got some more fish for my tank. I picked out some tetras called Mixed Fruit! And I also got some neon colored pink and yellow ones! Here are the pix~~~
I picked tetras because they are community fish, and they don't bite other fish. I needed fish that don't have big fancy tails that could get ripped and nipped by other fish. So, they fitted in really well! I also wanted them to be colorful, because my mom gave me all of her fish when she took down her tank and they were all grays. So, they really brightened up my tank! That's all!


  1. I love your new fish!!! Where did
    you get them???

    Your Friend,

    CG P.S. Good colors!!

  2. Hiya! I got them at the pet store down by Moe's.
