Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh no! A recipe post!

Hiya! I decided that today I am going to do a recipe post. Here are my reasons~~>

  • I am bored.

  • I always wanted to do a recipe post!

  • It is way yummers!

So, here is what you need~

  1. English Muffins

  2. Tomato Sauce

  3. Shredded Cheese

  4. Toppings, like mushrooms!

  5. A pan

Yep, we're making mini pizzas! I have pics for all of the steps, here is how you make it~

Cut the english muffins in 1/2. Each 1/2 will be 1 pizza. Put them on a pan. Now put a big glob of tomato sauce on each. (1) Spread it out. (2) Now top with cheese and whatever else you want on it! (3) Pre-heat the stove to 350, and then pop them in for 10 min. Tada! VERY tasty mini pizzas! (4)







  1. Yum!

    CG P.S. Do u have peanut men any more??

  2. I love your mini-pizzas! Good post!

  3. Thanks! Adrienne~ no, we just deleted it, sorry! :/
