Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hello there! I just got back from my trip to Kalahari today! It was SO much fun! M and I went on all of the rides, our fave being the Zip Coaster. I also really liked the Cheetah Race and the toilet bowl ride. (I don't know what it really is called but that's what we call it). We spent a lot of time in the wave pool too. I have a flix of me on the toilet bowl ride! I also have pix of us there. Here they are! ~~~>

I would also like to wish my friend a "Happy Birthday!" because I missed it, I was at Kalahari. Her b-day was on Wednesday! Yaaa!

RW~ Sorry, I didn't have any pix of JUST you! This was the best... but it had me in it too! Oh well!


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