Friday, April 3, 2009

The Fun Parts Of Home Schooling

I get questions like, "What do you do for home schooling?" or "I would hate being home all day!" "That would be so boring, I would miss going to school" but still I get the "Wow you are so lucky, school stinks!" I would like to use this post to point out all we do on a normal day, and then the fun stuff we did this week.

Well, on a normal day I usually do math (Teaching Textbooks, grade 7) on the computer, English, (Growing With Grammer, grade 6) handwriting, (Happy Scribe Copybooks) and reading (I am reading Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox right now). My mom also has a competitive swimming lap book (In The Hands Of a Child) on the history of swimming, and stuff like that. I work on a set amount of that each day. My family does spelling (AVKO Sequential Spelling), geography (Trail Guide To U.S. Geography), Greek/Latin roots (English From The Roots Up), and a unit study (In The Hands Of a Child) together. Right now we are doing a study on light. We take a break in the middle of the day for lunch. When we have breaks we don't usually play video games like some may think. We can do only educational things like...

  • Blogging
  • Coloring
  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • Playing outside
  • Reading
  • Board games
  • Drawing on our white board! ;D
  • Clay

And stuff like that. Now on to the fun stuff~
We have been doing some really cool things with our light unit study. One of the experiments was to take a magnifying glass and put it near a wall with a window behind you. Darken the room. Move it so that you can see (on the wall!) whatever is outside! It will be upside down though! We had my brother run outside and we saw a mini him running upside down in the grass! Here are the pix of that~~~~~>

We also had an experiment that didn't work so well. We were trying to use the sun's energy to burn a craft stick through a magnifying glass. But here are the pix for that~

We also did an art project today, here are the pix from that~~~~~~~>

D and me
M's, mine, and D's bunny
My bunny!

Me, D, and M
D, M, and me in our art room

We do not go to P.E. or gym. However, I do swimming 5 days a week, my brothers do karate two days a week, my youngest brother does swimming lessons, and my other brother will be doing a summer rec swim team.

If you are interested in seeing what some other homeschoolers did this week, link to the Weekly Wrap-Up at Weird, Unsocialized, Homeschoolers


  1. Sounds like a fun week! Great pictures!

  2. Hi, thanks for commenting! My mom and I love your blog, it is really well done! I'm like, Kris commented on MY blog! Yes, it was a very fun week. Our light unit study is going really well! Well, thanks again!

  3. Wow, your family is busy! With swimming, karate, and homeschooling!

    Not all of my science experiments work, either, but they are still fun to try! Hands-on is definately better than only textbooks.

  4. Thanks for your post, Calina! Yes, hands on is a lot better than only books! -And they are fun!

  5. My daughter was glad to hear that other people's science experiments don't always "work" but doing them is part of the learning. I think she thought I was just saying that.

  6. Looks like you had a great week! And, I love your pictures.

  7. Thank you gina and Catherine! Ya, I think it IS part of the learning, but it is much more fun for them to work!

  8. Thank you for sharing! It's fun to read from a student's perspective!
