Sunday, April 5, 2009

USC Short Course Banquet!

Hey everyone! Yesterday was the USC banquet! It was sooooo much fun! There was pizza and cake, and awards! There were the age group girls awards and age group boys awards, and there were the MVP awards. My friend,(first pix on the left), got the 13-14 girls award! And I got the MVP award for the 12 and unders! I am *very* happy! The coaches talked about all the great things the swimmers getting the awards did that year and then had them get up to receive their award. It meant a lot having my coach talk about everything I did this year. It was so nice! I ran up, gave my coach a one armed hug, took my award, and ran back to my seat!

There was also a chinese raffle! They had ones for a private one hour lesson with each of the coaches, 2 basket ball ticket things, with 5 in each including a parking pass, and a fast skin swim suit. I put mine in for my coach and the fast skin. When they drew the winners, I got the one hour lesson with my coach! I think, (and hope!), that we will only be working on strokes. So I am excited! I also won a USC T-shirt from a drawing! Well, almost everyone got somthing from that one, but still! So here are all of the pix from the banquet!

My award winning friend and me!

The Cake!

My friend and me



And more friends!

My coach and I, the one I won an hour long lesson with :O

My friend and coach

Me and another one of my coaches!


  1. Your dress is SOOOOOOOOO nice! Love it!

    Your Wacky Friend,


    Go USC!

  2. Thanks! It was so much fun!

