Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Day

Hi! Well, today is the second day of practice! I just started back up after a week break, which I didn't like much. Things are a bit different this season. For one we will be doing dry lands as a team, and with things like med balls. We will also be doing things like jump rope and running, if it storms. We might swim with shoes! Not often, but we still are! I am excited, but it was the same thing with cords. Those are not fun. But the difference between them is you can always move with shoes, not always with cords. So I guess I will have to see about them, I will tell you how it is :D Also, my coach is going to have a blog! I think it would be cool to have gut check times, practices, and stuff like that so parents can see what we are doing. Lots of pix and flix would be nice too! So, I will be following his blog (as soon as he gives me his address!) so you can go to his blog from mine, if he follows mine which he will. Today there were only 3 people, including me! Well, 4 with our coach~ Not many people! I think that's all, ttly!

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