Friday, March 20, 2009

Carnegie Science Center :D

Hiya! Well, I was at the science center on Friday! I had to miss practice though~ :( But anyway, it was sssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooo much fun! They had a movie about ''Under Sea" and lots of shows and exhibits. I have lots of flix, I hope it doesn't 'overwhelm' you :) ~~~>

That was this lady setting a Fruit Flambe on fire! It was a cooking with science show and it reveals the science behind the food!

That's my little brother on the bungie jump thing! He is soooooo cute!

That's my first try, the second and third time I had a flip every jump!

And that's my other brother doing the, I have no idea what it is called! But it was really fun!

Ok, well I am going to have a new post up on the first day of practice~ so I will talk to you then!

Bye! :D

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