***Swim Meet Packing List***
1. Drinks!
2. A snack
3. iPod
4. Cell phone
5. Sharpies, pens and a note pad
6. At least 2 caps and 2 goggles
7. Pants, shorts, shirts, or a hoodie, things to wear when you are wet
8. At least 2 towels
9. A bit of cash would be nice
10. Games, like a DS, or a book if you get bored
11. An extra swim suit
- iPods are nice, pick songs that get you excited and ready to swim, and then songs to calm you down and make you happy. I like Potential Break Up Song and East North Humberland High because the girl is strong and confident, it gets me ready to swim. And Big House calms me down and makes me very happy every time I listen to it!
- A cell phone is very handy for calling your parents up in the stands. It is very loud at swim meets, it is a lot easier than shouting!
- I always bring a extra swim suit, just in case something happens to my team one. You don't have to though!
- Sharpies are GREAT, and if you don't bring some you always end up asking someone else for one. A Sharpie is needed to write your events on your hand.
- I sometimes bring my camera to swim meets too. (for my blog!) They are fun too! Either people want to be in pix, or they will do anything to stay out of them!
Ok, that's all bye!
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