Monday, April 12, 2010

MidWest Homeschool Convention

Part 2 of our Spring Break was going to the MidWest Homeschool Convention.  That's where I am right now!  So far it has been really fun.  Yesterday I went to a talk for teens about unlocking your full leadership potential.  It was interesting but everything was stuff I have already heard.  The thing is, you have to start with an idea of something you want to do in your life, your passion so to say.  I am not sure yet what I want to do with the rest of my life!  That was step 1.  So ya, my leading is going to have to wait. 

Today my mom and I went to see Tim Hawkins, a comedian, that is doing shows here this year.  He is hilarious!!!  He is  'clean' which means he is just appropriate for everybody.  I couldn't stop laughing!  Here is one of his clips off of YouTube, it's the trailer for one of his DVDs-

It's cool to see so many homeschoolers in one placce... and get this.  For most people, you CAN'T TELL they are weird, unsocialized homeschoolers!  Ha,ha!

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