Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a Beautiful Blogger!

Hey everybody!  I was nominated by my friend Mikayla, over at Thoughts From ME for the Beautiful Blogger award.  Firstly, thanks!  So, now I am supposed to tell you guys 7 things about me.  Well, here I go...

  1. My favorite part of the zoo is definitely the aquaquarium.  I love all of the fish!
  2. My hot cocoa is 2/3 hot cocoa, 1/3 milk, and a ton of whipped cream on top!
  3. I think that wearing makeup to swim practice is stupid.  But that's just me...
  4. I really am into painting right now.  I just compleated a self portrait yesterday!
  5. My favorite songs are all from Taylor Swift.
  6. What makes me feel hard core is going to Saturday practice... and getting up at 5:30 to do so. 
  7. I'm going 24 loooooooooooow if not flat at golds in the 50 free.  Hey, why don't I just go a 23?  That sounds good :)
Now, I am supposed to nominate 7 people.  But, I don't have a ton of friends who all blog like I do.  Also, I don't know if my guy friends would like to be nominated for the Beautiful Blogger award.  So I'm going to give it to my

  1. Mom!  You are amazing and wonderful, and your blog is great!  You are a Beautiful Blogger :)

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