Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Deep Breath...

It's Monday, again.  The time before Gold Champs seems to speed ahead at light speed with no stopping it.  It's 5 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 3 weeks.  Now Silvers is this weekend then Golds the next.  YIKES!  I am nervous, but also excited.  I am most nervous about the mile, becasue well, it's the mile!  It's long.  It's hard.  It's what the over-achievers do at Champs... it's the mile.  It will go well.  I just wish Friday was over. 

I have several time cuts buzzing around my head for lots of the events I am swimming.  They aren't really pressure, like, "You have to go this cut!!"  It's more like, "Pretty sure I'm going to go that."  But I'm not telling you guys them. :P

Okay, everytime I try it on I feel fast.  I look awesome and fear-striking in it, I have to admit.  It is... my kneeskin fastskin.  Let's just take a moment to appreciate what I just said.  I got a FAST SKIN that is also a KNEE SKIN.  That's, in a word, sweeeeeeeeeeet.  It's not the suit that is fast, it's the person who is, but still. 

So, we will just have to see how things turn out at Golds!  See you behind the blocks :)

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