Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's Greek! (Roman adaptations, but still)

We ended our ancient Greece unit study a few days ago, and started astronomy.  I think it is amazing how all of the planets and moons and things in space are mostly named after the Roman gods... Greek gods renamed.  Jupiter, Zeus, Venus, Aphrodite, Neptune, Poseidon... I could go on. 

I was dreading this unit study, because I thought that I didn't like it.  Space, the whole floating around and dying because you don't have enough air and you can't stand up and it's dark and creepy and huge. 

But I am finding it interesting and enjoyable to learn about, the planets are really interesting!  I think having a background on the names of things makes it fun for me too.  And I know a lot of the stories behind the names of constellations!  I felt really smart and cool while I was watching Bill Nye today! 

So, today we made diagrams of the planets in actual correct size comparisons to each other.  Then we put them up in the hallway.  The sun wouldn't fit, so we just put the diameter in tape.  It's HUGE!

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