Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What I do in my lack of Free Time

So today I got an email from a friend that got me thinking.  Between school and swimming, when do you get any free time?  Well, I thought about this- and the truth is I don't have a TON of free time.  I have school, which sometimes takes me right up until when I have to leave for practice.  When I get home, it's after 9 and I still need to shower.  So I don't get to do a ton after then, and I don't really want to.  Just kick back and watch some TV or play on my iPod.  But I think that is the definition of some people's free time- doing nothing.  I don't really like to be doing nothing, that's just not who I am.  I'm the person who usually likes to be doing something.  Unless I'm sleeping.  In my free time, I like to do art, blog, write in my book, play games, work on gifts, read, and others.  I have also found how to fit some fun into my day without taking time off.  Like I put on music if I am doing something that needs little or no thinking, and I knit when we do read alouds or watch movies.  But I have realized, even though sometimes I would like more time to myself, I am happy being busy.

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