Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thoughts About This Season

Hi everyone! So today I was reading one of the Splash magazines that you get for joining a USA team. In one part it talked about a pre-race routine; what to do behind the blocks. It said to think back to your best races and do what you did for all of them. WELL... all of or most of my really good races were when I was dancing and messing around behind the blocks because Matt my coach) was too! Though he has told me to do this several times, I never really thought about it until now. Dancing it is then... :D

I am really excited for this season. I have real goals this time, not just goals that I wrote down for my coach. Mason, my brother, is starting USC too! I am very excited for him. Overall I think I am going to be a lot more relaxed at most of my meets too. Listening to music, talking, singing and dancing, and just being silly at meets keeps me from getting all nervous about it. AND it makes meets a lot more fun! I also learned that you can be silly and serious at the same time! Just don't miss anything. Having a nice pool is great, but I have also learned that I can go my best times in a crappy pool. I can swim longer events and live! And lane and heat placements don't matter AT ALL. In fact, I love swimming longer events in the side lanes! :D

That's most of my thoughts about the upcoming swim season, so I will see you guys soon!

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