Friday, August 28, 2009

Foodie Friday

Hi! Well, the first week of school is over! My favorite parts and our highlights were the random experiment Monday, our art lesson today, and foodie Friday. What is foodie Friday?, you blog readers may ask. Well, every Friday my mom and I will try to make a new recipe, and also every Friday (or day after, I may let it slide) I will do a post about it and show you guys the yummy fun of foodie Friday :D

Well, this week we made potato soup. I just love soups, potato soup being one of my favorites! I helped with everything, peeling and mashing the potatos, cutting up the onions, (which I did for about 2 seconds before I quit and asked Dad to do it for me) measuring most of the stuff, and just making it! It was a lot of fun. The soup only had onion, milk, potato, corn starch and flour, salt and pepper, and butter! If that doesn't sound good already, top it off with BACON and CHEESE and you are in hog heaven! The pictures from this week's foodie Friday are above all of the text! This is so unusual for me, because most of the time I put the pictures below the text. I just feel adventurous today! :D

That's all for now, check back soon for Duncan doing crazy pointing guy!

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