Monday, June 1, 2009

Mammoth Cave

Hey! We just got back from our trip to Mammoth Cave, KY. It was sweet! Did you know it is the largest cave in the world? AND it is a National Park! We stayed in this awesome cabin, it was sooooooooo nice! OMG~ when we were looking around, my mom opened her closet door and screamed! There was a stuffed pig's head to hang up in there! The hall one too!
When we got to Mammoth Cave, they had this sign up saying all of the things that you couldn't bring into the cave, and one of them was Mace. I truly thought that they meant the Medieval weapon! So I asked my mom, "Hey Mom, what's a Mace?" to make sure and she replied~ "Oh, lots of women carry them around for safety." And I was like I don't know anyone who carries around a Medieval club in her purse, but whatever makes you happy... I told my mom what I thought it was, and she cracked up!
The entrance to the cave was a door! I was thinking it would be more 'Cave Like'

Here are a few of the really good pix of the cave~~~~~~~~>

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