Here are the accumulation of all of the lego things my brothers made. They make it, take my camera and get a pix, then beg me to put it on my blog. So here they are!
We are doing a unit study on germs. One of the things you had to do was take a potato, and cut it in half. On one side someone who hasn't washed hands in a bit rubs them all over, and on the other side some one goes and washes their hands REALLY well then rubs them all over the other one. Now put them in a bag and wait. (we did this on Friday, and checked on Monday)
Now, before you look at the pix, tell me which do you think turned out worse? *Don't look at it!*
Wow, that wasn't hard if you use some common sense! Here are the potatoes- A= Dirty, B=Clean! See the dif? Potato A is darker than potato B, and it had some gross white mold like things on the sides! (EWW!) Anyway, I thought it was cool! I mean, what's cooler than comparing potatoes?!
Here is your dirty hand man~
Oh ya, the other thing I wanted to talk about was my science. I started a new unit but the last one was on Analysis. We did tests to dif things, (like salt, baking soda, sugar, etc.) to try to find out what it was. And we mixed it up to see what the things were too. There were 4 tests, see if it fizzes with vinegar or baking soda water, if it blackens with iodine, and if it burns or melts. So we got to burn stuff over a candle! I have a film of me burning stuff, and I was like so concentrated I look funny! But oh well! Here are the pix and flix~~~~~~~>
Ok, that's all, bye!
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