Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, everybody! Happy Thanksgiving! You know how I have been learning about the Middle Ages? Well, we finished that and we are now working on animal classifications! I made a board game as part of my Middle Ages study. Here is a picture of it~

Also, last night I had swim practice. We did 20 100s, 20 75s, 20 50, and 20 25s! But I think that was the easiest practice I have had yet. Not because it was short, (which it wasn't) but because we didn't have sprints. I had a lot of fun!

I made a clay turkey last night! Here he is! ~

Well, I only made the one on the right. :)

Do you guys like my new blog back round? My mom found this really great site that does them, for free! It is called The Cutest Blog On The Block! Well, that's all, bye!

Random thoughts~

1. I can not wait for dinner tonight!

2. I just finished "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. Incredible book - you have to read it!

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