Sunday, October 26, 2008

Renaissance Festival

Hi! I went to the Renaissance Festival a bit ago! There were lots of little shops, rides, shows, and of course, FOOD! Everyone who had a shop dressed up as someone from the Middle Ages. There was this one dragon ride, and the dude who ran that kept on yelling ~ "Come ride the dragon!!!" Everyone was walking around with huge turkey legs, so funny! I picked up a green and blue necklace, a crown, and a flower dipped in wax! How cool is that?

When I was at the Renaissance Festival, I saw jousting! Here is a pic of them!~

I went trick-or-treating at my grandma's house today! I was a noble girl. I got this really nice red dress, my crown totally completed it! Here is a pic of the dress.~

Some random thoughts...
1. I love swim team this year!
2. Trick-or-treating is fun, but some of the costumes can be really freaky!
3. The Renaissance Festival is the coolest!
4. I love Miley Cyrus!


  1. I love your costume!! It is so cute!

  2. Sry my name is kinda weird! I had a blog with two other friends and we were the 3 amigops!

  3. Love the dress!

    Your Solon Stars Friend,

