Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chain Mail

Do you know what Chain Mail is? Well, during the middle ages, knights and foot soldiers used it as armor. It was made up of thousands of tiny little metal links. To make a shirt they used around 200,000! The shirt was called the hauberk. Well, we made Chain Mail today! It was SO hard. One word, horrible! We also painted our shields that we picked up at the Renaissance Festival! The one in the pics is mine. Here are some of the pics I took~

I didn't make that one!^

This is the Chain Mail!

As you can see, it was VERY time consuming to link all of those little hoops together! I feel sorry for the people who had to make chain mail back then!

Some Random Thoughts~

1. It is so cold!

2. I think I am getting a cold, I had such a hard time breathing in swim practice last night! I have been coughing so much!

3. I just got 2 new chairs, they heat up and vibrate! YEAH!

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