Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Zoo

We took the day off from our normal day of school and visited the zoo!  It was very fun.  I love going to the zoo, it is so interesting!  It is nice, we always go when NOBODY is there.  My favorite part is the aquarium, and then the rainforest. 

My mom's and my favorite animal, though, was the elephant shrew.  They are queer creatures!  They have these mini elephant trunks, legs of a gerbil, and body of a oversized rat.  Beautiful, right?  Anyways, they were fun to look at.  They had amazing fish, crazy reptiles, sleepy frogs, figgity bats, slow moving capybaras, over-preening flamingos, long snouted crocodiles, funny monkeys, you name it!  It was a great time.
I was trying to look for the octupus in one exhibit in the aquarium, and there was this little boy standing there drawing it.  I said, mostly to myself, "Hmm, must be off exhibit."
Boy said "Oh no, he is in there.  See the suction cups?"  I found them and was amazed by the camoflauge that the octupus has.  We ended up talking politely to each other about it, and some of the other exhibits.  He was very mature for being 4 feet tall.  My mom and I came to the conclusion that, he indeed, is homeschooled :)

Here are some of the pictures I took of all the amazing animals....

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