Monday, October 12, 2009

One Year and Counting

Hello! The first meet of the season was this weekend! It was really cool for me because this was my first USA meet last year. I have completed one full year of USA swimming :D Last year I would have freaked out, but this year I had fun, was calm, cool, and collected! Among other things, what I really am happy about is that I'm not nervous about meets anymore. I go, have fun, swim the events I have swam so many times before, and go fast! No more freaking out about an event. Not this year baby!

I think that helps a lot. My coach was talking to me about swimming scared at one of the first meets of long course. I was scared over the 100 fly I had last that day, and that affected all of my other swims a lot. They definitely were not the best I could be.

So I think that not swimming scared helped me set the LE district record in the 50 fly with a time of 27.00.

That kinda rocked. I was so happy, I had the Michael Phelps finish with the fist in the air! That's the first time I have ever done anything like that! That was the new district record, and the "any person who swam their time in LE" record, best time and the USC record by almost 2 seconds!

I dropped time in a lot of events from last year so I was very happy about that. I set USC records in three other events too, that was cool. One event that I was most proud of was my 100 fly. I dropped 3 seconds from last year and got the zone cut I didn't have before, and set the new team record. The reason I was so happy about that was 100 fly was one of my struggling events. I hated it mostly because I was scared of it, I thought it was long, and HARD! But I think I swam it right for the first time and I went fast without dying!

I even placed in my breast and dropped time!

The one thing I was disappointed about was the medley relay. The judge lady deeked me because SHE thought I did a false start. NO ONE agreed with her. People in the stands didn't know what we did! My head coach was really mad about it, he got up in one judge's face and told him what he thought about it. Matt was great too and said that whatever random lady said to me he still thought that was the best relay start I have done and 100% legal. When we were walking back, the lady told us that I false started. We just stared at her. As soon as she turned around my friend said loudly, "I hate that woman, always have. She's an idiot!" I felt so bad but my team was so sweet about it, they said that they didn't care, it was a dinky relay at a dinky meet and they knew it was a bad call. I'm just going to say we made 1st in that one though :D

*My friend has been trying to make some A cuts for a while now. Well, she made it by a chunk of time! She was super happy, and I am so happy for her too! She did amazing, and now hopefully she can go to Braun with me! She can go to golds too! If you're reading, YOU ROCK! You don't need onions and garlic anymore!

*Iman also did great, breaking into a 59 for the first time in the 100 free! Congrats!

*Mason's relay team took first in the medley relay, good job you guys!

*Michael and Matt also ROCKED! Placing and shaving time! YEAH!! :D

This meet was a great starter for the season, everyone did well! Great job to everyone who swam!

Matt also did a really nice overview post about the high lights of the meet... check it out at USC Twinsburg.


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