Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Keep Swimming...

Hello! Here is my follow up post on Friday's. I wish I could just fast forward to the post about how I did, but then everything that went along with DOING the times would be lost. I'm going to keep writing now.

First off, I had 2 meets in one weekend. 2. (Hold the shocked gasps}
On Saturday I had the Peg Neal Pentathlon- because I'm still 12 I only had to do the 4 50s and IM. I did well, not as well as I wanted or expected, seeing as it was only easy sprints. I placed well taking 3rd for the whole meet (for 11-12 girls)grabbing me a trophy :D I wasn't overly pleased with my performance that day but I am happy with how the cards fell this week over all. We had a tough week at practice, fast sets, F or F, and pace, it was one of the peak weeks of our work outs.

Today I also competed in the Mile Meet. Guess what we did there? I was heat 6. I got my favorite lane, 10! The mile was a long event. Matt was at the other end taking splits. I was looking for his signs for my race, but when I looked over he either had his hands up or sometimes out. Me, being far away, swimming, wet, and having goggles on, thought that they were the same so I swam the whole mile thinking how much I sucked and how mad Matt was going to be at me, how far off pace I was and just how freaking long it was! My coach owes me a cake. It was a good event, and I had a faster pace than what I was holding at practice for a lot of the 50s. I am very happy I swam it. After swimming the mile it puts a little different perspective on other events. I think this is somthing everyone should do at LEAST once. I made a AAA cut in both the mile and the 1000 (at the turn) and broke the team's 1000 record. I also took second place overall for 11-12 girls. I swam a 19:27, very much where I want to be. Even though I swam 5 other events this one seems to amount to more, I mean come on! It's a 1650! 66 laps! 19 & 1/2 min swimming!

Lastly but not least, we have the Swim Champions! That rocked! I got to meet 4 Olympians! Not only that, I got to hold a gold medal, swim and race with them, and get their autographs! They were so cool! The 3 guys just seemed like guys- having fun and loving what they are doing. They worked on drills and raced in all 4 strokes, and then we did a relay! The people were in the water with us doing the stuff! It was great, a once in a life time experiance. Oh yeah, hey coach, they had us do LANE LINE PULL as one of the drills. ;D I also made sure to tell Peter Vanderkay that Matt was my coach- he knew him, lol.

While we were waiting to go for our large relay, this one girl intruduced herself to me.
"Hi! What's your name?"
"Hey, I'm Amber."
"You're the girl who beat (girl be left un-named) in the 50 free yesterday! She was so so ticked."
"Oh wow, that wasn't even a best time!"
"It wasn't for her either!"

I'm sorry but that is the best. :D :D :D :D :D :D Bye!

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