Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Re-cap

Hi! I start back to school on the 24th. I wanted to do a summer re-cap post, going over some of the stuff I've learned the past few months. It was fun for me to make the list of things I have learned, I was laughing the whole time. Here's the list...

  1. If someone hits me, I will shove them into a drink cooler
  2. I can break into 28s in long course
  3. I can swim fast with sun in my eyes
  4. I won't die if I get up at 5 in the morning and go out to practice
  5. Always drink a ton of water and gatorade at meets
  6. Summer really isn't my favorite time of the year
  7. Watching Food Network with my mom is fun... if not the coolest thing in the world
  8. It is always better to just shut up and swim
  9. I can swim without a coach or with a dinky coach I don't know
  10. Texting your coach isn't weird
  11. I am the worlds biggest Harry Potter nerd
  12. Elevator button - pusher men can be weird
  13. When given a Man Shirt (a.k.a. my Zones tank top) I can wear it and still look like a girl
  14. Saying good bye to most girls is easy... just wail and hug
  15. The easiest way to get multiple girls phone numbers is just to pass around your phone
  16. How to casually pick up the pizza you just dropped into your lap without drawing attention
  17. When someone is ranting to a group don't defend yourself, just don't say anything

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