Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun At My Friends

Hi! Yesterday, I spent the day over at my friend's house. It was so much fun! I came over and we bounced on her trampoline, I learned how to do a back hand spring, front hand spring and front tuck. After that we all went on a creek walk. We traipsed through the water with nets and tried to catch minnows. It was so fun! It started raining during part of it, but that was fine, we were already wet! We caught this fish, and it was about 6 or 7 inches long! I also caught a snake! My friend's sister caught a frog, and by the end we were all catching minnows like pros. The only sad part was that when we were walking back I was carrying the bucket with all of the fish, then I slipped and fell! The bucket went flying! Other than that misshap, I was pretty good at the creek walk :D

After the creek walk, we came home and bounced on the tramp and played cards before lunch. They taught me how to play Spoons, it is really fun! We played cards more after lunch, and then we bounced on the tramp some more!

Later, we all went to a drive in close to my house. We saw G-Force and Aliens in the Attic. We all liked both! I had never gone to a drive in before, so it was different but really fun for me.

That was so much fun, thanks guys for having me over! :D

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