Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Relays and (More) Cookies!

Hi! I have a bit of catching up to do, so here it goes!

Saturday was the Chagrin Relays. I went to watch my brother, Mason, and to hang out with the Twinsburg rec. team. Although I can't blog about how everyone on the Twinsburg team did, over all they did great! Mason took 2 3rds and 3 4ths. So, good job everyone who swam at the relays!

I made cookies today! I also made some a few days ago... but sadly I have no pictures.


This is my 50th blog post! That is a lot of blogging!

Now, I wanted to tell you about my new search thing I added, by Google. If you are looking for a post in particular, then this really helps. If you are looking for a swim meet, put Swim Meets, birthdays, Birthday, ummmm... School, fish, cookies, etc. I also uploaded a new background and removed my hit counter, so I hope it will load a bit faster for yours if you are having trouble... On my computer when I was getting on, my hit counter was the thing that was taking a lot of time to load.

I think that's all, bye!

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