Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hi! We went to Cosi today, and that is why I had to miss practice. Anyway, there was a traveling frogs exhibit there, and here are some of the pix of the frogs ~~~>

I had a pix of every one, but that would be like 20. It was neat! They also had these Science 'A La Cart things and one of them had a bearded dragon! I thought I would include that because we are doing a small unit on lizards.

We did a show where the guy blew things up! It was ssooo cool, but this is just a demonstration. I wasn't allowed to take pix during the show. I have a clip of him blowing a cork off the bottle! It was really cool!

Here, you can lift up a car with a lot of pullies!

Here is my fave ride in the world! Everyone gets in, the thing spins really fast, and then the floor drops! You are stuck to the wall! But it was closed :(

Here are my brothers at the Fear machine. That was neat.

Here is me on the rope! It is safe because they have a 250 pound weight below it. It is sooo cool!

And here is rat basketball! They train the rats to ''play'' and each time they make a shot they get a treat. It was really fun! Their names were Peach and Daisy. Daisy won.

Ok well I think that is all, bye!

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