Monday, December 15, 2008

Swim Meet

Hi! I just had a swim meet Sunday, and I started back to swim practice on Monday! Well, at the meet I swam 200 free, 100 free, 50 free (in a relay), 100 breast, and 50 breast. My breast stroke is NOT my best stroke, so I was glad when the 100 was over! I did well in the 200! But on the last 50 I felt like I couldn't feel my legs or arms! Sorry, I didn't bring my camera to the swim meet, I wanted to be completely focused on the meet because this was my first time swimming the 200! Ohmigosh! I was with my coach and he said, "Your event is on the blocks!" I started foward, and I slipped! My dad almost had a heart attack, I thought that they were going to start the event without me! That would NOT be good! But I got up and did well! Yeah! If you got 1st in your heat, they gave you this little chinese good luck token in red baggies. They were very cool, here they are~

Aren't they cool! Well, see you!

Random thoughts~

1. I finished the 2nd & 3rd book of Twilight!

2. I got the Alvin and the Chipmunks CD!

3. I can't wait for Christmas!

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